SG SOLAR Solutions
Often our positive aeration composting systems need to be placed in new, remote places to comply with local permitting and regulations, including on active and inactive landfill areas. As a result, we developed SG SOLAR(TM) Power Unit to run our Advanced Composting Solutions 7x24 off-the-grid.
Off-Grid Solar Powered Aeration with SG SOLAR Power Units
The Sustainable Generation (SG) team has installed a number of highly successful SG SOLAR(TM) Power Units for off-the-grid composting operations. Our advanced compost manufacturing solutions are low-power and operate effectively and efficiently. Our SG SOLAR(TM) units provide 100% of the energy for our positive aeration composting systems.
Using our deep knowledge in the industry, SG fully supports you and your project team through design, construction, start-up, commissioning, training, and ongoing support for your specific project. Our Advanced Composting(TM) Technology, with the addition of SG SOLAR® Power Units, can take your project off-grid, producing a high-quality product that meets all regulations, with a report to prove it. With SG’s expertise and guidance, the entire process is simple, fast, economical, and efficient.