Upgrading for Growth
Happy Trash Can (HTC) Curbside Composting LLC in Bozeman, MT started in 2016 as a small community composting operation on a farm receiving Source Separated Organics (SSO) and wood chips.
Ryan Green, a professional composter from the New York City Compost Project, and his Bozeman native wife, Adrienne Huckabone, also an experienced composter from NYC, founded the company. They used the static pile composting method with a bucket and skid steer to turn the windrows.
From the beginning, HTC provided, and grew, a food waste collection service, processed the organics and sold a high quality product to the community. As the customer base, and the volume of SSO feedstock material grew, HTC needed additional space for the static pile operation, and the time it took to process – over 6-8 months to produce a saleable product.
Site name: Story Mill Convenience Site
Ownership: Happy Trash Can Curbside Composting LLC
Location: Bozeman, MT
Start-Up: In 2016 started composting at another location using static piles and bucket turning. In 2018 started using SG MOBILE® System with GORE® Cover.
Technology: 3x SG MOBILE®Systems with GORE® Cover
Input quantity: 100 ton/batch
No. of Heaps: 3 heaps, 2 covers, 15m x 6 m x 2.5m
Treatment Time: 8 weeks in 3 Phases
Aeration: On-Floor pipe
Control Parameters: Oxygen control mode
Input material: Source Separated Organics, Wood Chips, Yard Waste
Equipment: Skid Steer / Table Screen /Well water / SSO Collection Truck and Trailer / Dump truck
End Product: High Quality Finished Compost
Adding Value – Less Time, Less Space, Low Risk, Good Neighbor
In 2018, HTC moved to a similar sized site and upgraded to the SG MOBILE® System with GORE® Covers because it could produce a high quality product in 8-12 weeks resulting in more throughput on the same footprint in less time. In addition, the SG MOBILE® system was a low risk for HTC because it is a proven technology for addressing environmental and regulatory compliance issues including reducing odors by greater than 90%, reducing VOC emissions by greater than 90%, as well as ensuring HTC could be a good community member given the proximity to their nearest neighbor was less than 300 feet from the site.
HTC continued to grow its operation by promoting food waste composting in the Gallatin Valley and hauling SSO for residential, commercial and industrial customers.
The SG MOBILE® Systems with Happy Trash Can
Compliance, Consistent High Quality Compost & Additional Growth
In January 2021, HTC moved its operation to the City of Bozeman’s Story Mill Convenience Site. With this working relationship with the City of Bozeman, HTC is now processing the cafeteria waste from Montana State University and yard waste from the City of Bozeman’s Summer Yard Waste Program, in addition to servicing its growing customer base across Gallatin Valley and Park Counties.
Of significant importance to the success of the HTC project is the SG MOBILE® System with GORE® Cover’s capability to comply with the state and local regulatory requirements:
Meeting air quality standards for odor control
Meeting Vector Attraction Reduction (VAR) requirements
Meeting time and temperature requirements (PFRP) for pathogen reduction
Producing high quality finished compost